Program Update: Summer Camp for South Asian Girls

Following our successful spring youth camp, we continue this summer with a summer camp geared to

wards girls ages between the ages of 11-14.

We will have workshops on positive body image, beauty standards and how they impact choices, helping them prepare to enter high school, and identify positive and negative peer relationships.

The children of survivors have many shared narratives and experiences such as trauma, depression, a commitment to overcoming challenges, fear, a desire to look out for others in their family and community and more.

Through this series of workshops, we hope to help girls find support in each other and develop a sense of mutually responsible community. Most importantly we hope to foster in them a knowing that they are not alone in the challenges they face.

This summer we have also added additional activities to our program. The last day of the summer camp will be outside activities through which we hope to engage in new activities and learn from the world around them.