Farewell from our ED, Tiloma


I am leaving Sakhi as Executive Director after five eventful, wonderful years. All any Executive Director ever wants is to leave the organization better than how she found it, and I am proud to say that Sakhi has grown both in size, and scope since I began, continuing the legacy left by my predecessors, Prema and Purvi. We’ve launched four new programs since I began – Youth Empowerment, Women’s Health Initiative (which was a re-launch), Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (providing immigrationTiloma support) and most recently Sexual Assault Services. Our staff has doubled. Our finances are strong and secure, and our mission, vision and impact are clear and innovative.

At Sakhi, we believe in the power of transformation – that no matter what your histories are, you can transform your future and achieve your goals. I have seen amazing transformations during my tenure at Sakhi. I’ve seen children grow into young women while their mothers achieve safety, jobs, and phase out of our services. I have seen our office grow, and move into bigger, brighter spaces. I have seen volunteers transform into staff, and board members. I’ve seen my own personal transformation – I had my two children while I was Executive Director of Sakhi and I have learned so much about life because of this job.

I am so lucky that I have loved every day of my job at Sakhi. I loved seeing the women who come in for services. I loved growing and sustaining an organization that is dedicated to these brave survivors and their families. I loved working with my community. Your support, whether through your time, money and/or experience, has enabled Sakhi to continue its remarkable trajectory of growth. I will always love the plucky, intelligent, dedicated and tireless Boards of Directors that supported my role as shared stewards of Sakhi.

And more than anything, I love my team. You will not find a more committed, passionate, wonderful, generous, humble group of women anywhere else in the world.

I leave this wonderful organization in the hands of my brilliant Deputy Director, Shalini Somayaji, who will be our Interim Executive Director. Sakhi is also fortunate to have strong governance during this time of transition, namely a solid board chaired by Manisha Mehrotra. Please continue to support them as you supported me.

I am going to take a break before starting my next endeavor. I’m going to do the things I love most: riding horses and spending time with my kids. I will also continue to be an ally, donor and supporter of Sakhi. This year, I’m so excited that I will finally get to enjoy our Gala as a guest!

All I have ever wanted to do was to dedicate my career to serving my community, and I consider myself privileged and honored to have been able to do that as Executive Director of Sakhi.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


Tiloma Signature